Registered Breeders Criteria 

Making a Commitment to Breeding Ragdolls

Please do not apply to become a probationary breeder until you have attended a full day at a TBRCC breeders seminar. TBRCC hold one two day seminar each year. These are the topics that are discussed:

  • Good husbandry and rearing kittens
  • Ragdoll genetics - colour, pattern, health
  • Choosing a breeding queen and stud boy
  • Pedigree tracing
  • Ragdoll type and assessing for breeding and/or show
  • Ragdoll registration policy, code of ethics, GCCF and club rules, contracts
  • Grooming
  • DNA testing
  • Taking your queen to stud
  • Selling your kittens.

Once you have attended at least one day of a breeder's seminar you can apply to become a probationary registered breeder with TBRCC.

  • The Honorary Secretary will now sign off your GCCF prefix application form
  • Please complete the Registered Breeders Application form. Remember to have it proposed by a current registered breeder with TBRCC and countersigned and stamped by your vet to confirm that you have registered with them.
  • Attach the following documents: Copies of your breeding cats registration cards and pedigrees, a recent photograph of each cat for the archives, a copy of the registration document for your first litter of kittens, the appropriate fee.

Once you have completed a second day of the seminar and raised a litter of kittens you are then a full registered breeder with TBRCC. If you decide to attend both days of the seminar in one session you will remain as a probationary breeder for a period of 12 months.


Register Breeder Code of Ethics (Revised 20th October 2019) 

The British Ragdoll Cat Club strives to be the premier Ragdoll club worldwide, and as such want to ensure that only breeders who are fully committed to the breed are associated with the club. As such, the Code of Ethics will be enforced where necessary. The British Ragdoll Cat Club requires that Breeders registered with the Club must sign the undernoted declaration confirming that they fully understand and agree to abide by the items set out in the following Code of Ethics.

  1. Purpose of the Code of Ethics
    It is the aim of the Club to look after the general health and welfare of the Ragdoll breed and to set down reasonable guidelines within which Club registered Breeders must operate.

  1. Health & Welfare
    Every cat/kitten should be in excellent health when leaving the household or cattery. It should be free of any parasites, fungus or disease.
  • Every kitten MUST be a minimum age of 13 weeks before leaving for its new home.

  • It is required that the cat/kitten has completed a course of vaccinations administered by a veterinary surgeon against enteritis and cat 'flu at least 7 days before leaving the household or cattery (homeopathic vaccinations are not acceptable) and at the time the cat/kitten leaves home the vaccination card is given to the new owner. It is essential that the breeder's veterinary surgeon carries out a general health check and confirmation of sex when the kitten has its final vaccination. It is recommended that you discuss other vaccinations with your veterinary surgeon.

  • It is recommended that breeders insure their kittens for at least the first 4 weeks after leaving their household or cattery and encourage new owners to continue the insurance.

  • The breeder should provide the buyer with guidelines for feeding, grooming and raising a Ragdoll (care sheet).

  • The health and welfare of the breeder's cats is their primary concern and the breeder should take appropriate steps to ensure this is maintained at all times. Steps must be taken to minimise the spread of disease between cats by restricting contact between at risk cats. A limit to numbers should ensure this is possible.

  • A queen must be healthy and in good condition to be mated, and only as often as is appropriate for her wellbeing.

  • All breeders must make use of any recommended health tests relevant to the Ragdoll breed as advised by TBRCC.

  • All breeders must encourage the new owner to contact them should they need any help or advice and reply to any request promptly.

  • Breeders should interact with fellow breeders and owners in a truthful and courteous manner.

  1. Pedigree/Transfer Certificate/Test Results

  • In accordance with the GCCF Rules 10a, 10b, the breeder MUST supply a 3 generation pedigree (parents, grandparents and great grandparents), complete with breed and registration numbers, at the time the cat/kitten leaves home together with a registration card, if this is available . If the registration card is not available you MUST provide the new owner with a mating certificate to enable them to register the cat/kitten themselves.

  • In accordance with the GCCF Rule 10c, if the cat/kitten is sold with a certificate to validate any genetic/veterinary test it must be microchipped and the chip number must be on the test certificate, the accompanying vaccination record card and the veterinary practice record.

  1. Sale of Breeding Queens/Studs

  • A kitten sold as a potential breeding queen or stud should be an outstanding example of the breed and conform closely to the Standard of Points.

  • The breeder must ensure to the best of their ability that kittens sold for breeding should not be from lines with any known health problems nor have any defects as listed in the preface to the GCCF Standard of Points booklet. The exception to this rule is where a health defect is covered by the Ragdoll Registration Policy in the form of a Genetics Register. This information MUST be disclosed to the new owner at point of sale.

  • All kittens sold with stud potential must have an accompanying Certificate of Entirety given to the new owner at point of sale.

  • Under NO circumstances should studs be sold to a household with no females. You must not sell potential studs to households which have yet to breed and raise a litter of Ragdoll kittens. Any breeder selling a kitten with stud potential must investigate the new owner's queen's pedigrees for compatibility with the new kitten.

  • It is the FULL responsibility of the breeder to be, or to provide, a mentor for any person to whom they have sold a Ragdoll with breeding potential.

  1. Stud Services

  • When offering stud services/taking a queen to stud TBRCC strongly recommends a pre-mating contract is signed clearly stating a time limit the girl is to remain with the stud owner. It is recommended that any contracts are exchanged PRIOR to any mating taking place.

  • A stud owner must not accept into stud any queen that is registered on the non-active register with the GCCF, or whose registration with another bona fide organisation is endorsed 'not for breeding'.

  • On completion of mating the stud owner MUST provide the queen's owner with a Mating Certificate and a copy of the stud's pedigree showing 3 generations (parents, grandparents, great grandparents) complete with breed and registration numbers. If the queen is registered with another organisation, it is the stud owner's responsibility to provide the appropriate certified pedigree to the queen's owner.

  1. Attendance at Seminars

  • Probationary Breeders registered with the Club are required to have attended one seminar. They can then apply to be a probationary registered breeder with the Club and be placed on the breeders list with 'PB' after their name. To become a full registered breeder they must have raised a litter of kittens and attended an advanced seminar.

  • It is strongly recommended that registered breeders do attend further seminars and also Ragdoll BAC seminars to keep themselves up to date with all breed developments.

  1. Advertising

  • Breeders registered with The British Ragdoll Cat Club may refer to the Club in any advertisements, literature or web sites only for cats and kittens bred in strict accordance with the current GCCF Registration Policy, Breeding Policy and TBRCC Code of Ethics.

  • All breeders registered with the Club must have a link on their website back to TBRCC website before we will add a link to the Club website.

8. Club Discipline

Members who are included in the Club's breeding lists will be removed from the said lists by the Committee for the following:

  • Any breeder disciplined by the GCCF for contravening their Rules or Constitution.

  • Any breeder who is proved to have broken the aforementioned Code of Ethics.

  • Any breeder selling any cat/kitten to pet shops of brokers or acting as brokers.

  • Any breeder who deviates from the Club's advertising policy.

  • Any breeder whose actions bring the Club into disrepute or those words or actions may be considered detrimental to the Club, its members or their cats.

Any breeder we remove from the Club's listings will have the reason for removal disclosed to all GCCF member Ragdoll breed clubs.


The British Ragdoll Cat Club hold an annual two day seminar. Anyone with an interest in breeding or showing, or even a more general interest in Ragdolls are welcome.

Tea and coffee will be supplied throughout the day and if you require lunch please bring a packed lunch. For people wishing to stay the weekend there is accommodation in the area.

The seminar is primarily for new and novice breeders when we will focus on good husbandry and preparing for your first litter of kittens, basic genetics and breeding practices.

We will examine the Ragdoll Breeding Policy and what to look for in a kitten with show and breeding potential, how to predict which patterns and colours of Ragdolls can be produced, and how to select a compatible pedigree.

During the afternoon session on one of the days breeders will have the opportunity to test their skills in assessing the cats on exhibition.

You can attend one or two days. After you have attended the club secretary will approve your prefix application. You can also apply to be a probationer breeder with the club and you will be put on the clubs registered breeders list and will also be able to list your kittens on the club website. We do require people who have only attended one day to attend the other day within two years.

The committee reserves the right to cancel a function should there be insufficient interest.